Make online buying a breeze with Sana Commerce Cloud

The most recent research on B2B Buyers finds that they want accuracy and thorough information from B2B web stores on delivery times, stock, and pricing. The only way to provide that is to integrate your web store with your ERP.

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Does your B2B web store have what it takes

The 2024 B2B Buyer Report revealed

Sana Commerce Cloud is the only ERP-integrated e-commerce solution built to meet your buyer’s demands in 2024:

  • 2/3 of B2B buyers prefer buying online as their primary source of securing stock
  • 84% of B2B buyers consider an easy and accurate web store experience paramount
  • The most common hurdles B2B buyers face includes inaccurate information on delivery times (31%), pricing (29%), stock levels (28%), and product details (28%)
Why B2B web stores are missing the mark

How Sana Commerce Cloud meets demands from your buyers

  • Provides updates in real-time between your ERP and web store, guaranteeing a completely accurate customer experience
  • Makes buying online as seamless and informative as other channels by including all customer-specific pricing agreements and dynamic pricing features
  • Gives your customers complete access to customize their buying experience to fit their needs – including automatic reordering and product recommendations
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of total order lines generated through their web store with SCC


decrease in customer service calls, improving their sales team's efficiency
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