Exclusively online: October 24th at 2pm ET

Game Changer

When it’s time to upgrade your e-commerce

Hustle onto the pitch for an exclusive session with e-commerce expert Carlos Camacho. He’ll cover:

  • Key signs your current e-commerce solution isn’t going the distance
  • Gaps in your line-up: identify pain points you need to keep top of mind
  • Scouting success: searching for the MVP e-commerce solution
  • Strategy shakeup: building a winning e-commerce formation

Down, Set, HUT! Attend the webinar to get a free (yes, free!) authentic jersey from your preferred football team!

Meet Carlos

“More than a simple checkout cart for B2B eCommerce is required. This means going beyond out-of-the-box solutions to crafting specialized functionalities.”

Carlos Camacho, Global eCommerce Lead at Bausch + Lomb, brings 20+ years of eCommerce experience leading projects to create best-in-class shopping experiences in highly competitive B2B and B2C industries.

This October 24th, he’ll coach you through the rigorous process of upgrading your e-commerce to go from last in the league, all the way to the Super Bowl Champion.

Sign up now
Carlos Camacho, Global eCommerce Lead at Bausch + Lomb

We’ll game out:

Upgrading your e-commerce is a monumental game-changer. It’s all too easy to think you can “power through” with a middling solution rather than invest in an upgrade. In our exclusive, online session, we’ll help you identify key signs that your e-commerce is costing you more than it’s providing. You’ll discover the true cost of “powering through” rather than making that upgrade.

More than that, we’ll talk through what to look for in an e-commerce upgrade. Your business is unique, and your solution needs to solve the challenges unique to you.

Lastly, we’ll talk about how to execute your dynamic e-commerce strategy – one that ultimately helps you win new customers and scale your business.

It all kicks off on October 24th at 2pm ET
E-commerce Game plan illustration

You’ll walk away with:

  • Key signs it’s time to upgrade your e-commerce solution
  • Metrics on how much subpar e-commerce is costing you
  • How to identify a winning e-commerce solution
  • Dynamic B2B strategies that you can implement now
Hustle onto the field
A happy event attendee

You’ll get:

An authentic jersey from your favorite football team.

What are you waiting for? Hustle onto the field!

Sign up today

Sign up for your spot on the team!

Kickoff is October 24th at 2pm ET. Game on!