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How to use AI for B2B efficiency: 5 real-world applications

Teresa Cherukara
June 18, 2024

Does your B2B business get routinely bogged down by manual tasks and endless spreadsheets? It might be time to bring in some reinforcements – in the form of artificial intelligence (AI). Using AI for B2B efficiency may have seemed unattainable just two years ago, but rapid development means mainstream adoption is just around the corner.

Global projections indicate generate AI could add anywhere between $2.6-$4.4 trillion to the economy. Further research by McKinsey finds that a third of companies now deploy generate AI into at least one business function. What’s more, high-performing firms are twice as likely to use AI to create new revenue streams.

Now, we’re not talking about replacing your team with robots. More B2B organizations have identified AI as a tool that has the potential to supercharge efficiency and free up teams for more strategic work.

How AI translates to real-world B2B efficiency

In the B2B world, AI isn’t just some futuristic concept; it’s a practical tool that’s already making a difference.

From automating repetitive tasks to uncovering hidden insights in your data, here’s how to use AI for B2B efficiency:

  • Automation, your new best friend: Tired of copy-pasting data or sending the same email over and over? AI-powered automation can handle these mundane tasks, freeing up your team’s valuable time.
  • Smarter decisions with data-driven insights: AI can analyze mountains of data in the blink of an eye, uncovering trends and patterns that humans might miss. This means you can make informed decisions based on solid evidence, not just gut feeling.
  • Personalized customer experiences: Gone are the days of generic marketing blasts. AI can personalize customer interactions at scale, tailoring product recommendations, emails, and more based on individual preferences and behaviors.
  • Streamlined supply chains: AI can optimize your supply chain by predicting demand, identifying bottlenecks, and ensuring you have the right inventory at the right time. This means happier customers and a healthier bottom line.
  • Productivity boost across the board: By automating tasks, improving decision-making, and streamlining processes, AI can boost productivity across your entire organization.

The best AI tools for B2B efficiency

Wondering what the best AI tools for B2B efficiency might be? Here are some examples of the best AI tools to use for every function of your business:

  • Predictive analytics: Your crystal ball for B2B

Think of predictive analytics as your data-powered crystal ball. By analyzing historical data and spotting patterns, AI can forecast sales, anticipate demand, and even identify potential risks before they become problems. Tools like IBM Watson Studio are leading the charge, giving businesses the power to make smarter, data-driven decisions.

  • Inventory management: Strike the perfect balance

We all know that overstocking ties up cash, while understocking leads to missed opportunities. But how do you find that sweet spot? AI-powered forecasting solutions go beyond basic demand prediction. They analyze real-time market data, news feeds, and even global events to fine-tune your inventory levels and keep your business agile.

  • AI-powered CRMs: more than just contacts

Your CRM is your B2B lifeline. But AI can make it even more powerful. Salesforce Einstein and Pipedrive are just two examples of how AI can supercharge your CRM by analyzing customer behavior, scoring leads, and even gauging sentiment. The result? More targeted marketing, streamlined workflows, and ultimately, happier customers.

  • Dynamic pricing: Get it right every time

Pricing in B2B is rarely one-size-fits-all. But that doesn’t mean you have to spend hours manually adjusting prices for each customer. AI-driven tools like PROS take the complexity out of pricing by automatically analyzing market conditions, order volumes, and negotiations to suggest the optimal price for every scenario.

  • Supply chain optimization: Smooth sailing ahead

B2B supply chains are intricate webs. But AI can help you untangle the knots. Coupa and similar solutions use AI to optimize routes, identify bottlenecks, and even predict maintenance issues, ensuring smooth sailing for your products and happier customers.

Personalized marketing: speak directly to your customers

Account-based marketing (ABM) is essential for B2B, but it’s a lot of work. That’s where add-ons like Sana Commerce’s advanced analytics function comes in. They analyze customer data to help you craft hyper-personalized messages that resonate with each individual account. It’s like having a marketing team dedicated to each of your most valuable customers

Taking the first step towards AI-powered efficiency

Ready to unleash the power of AI in your B2B business? Here’s how to get started:

  • Identify your pain points: What are the biggest bottlenecks in your business? Where are you wasting the most time and resources?
  • Research AI solutions: Look for tools that address your specific pain points. Don’t be afraid to start small and scale up as you see results.
  • Don’t go it alone: Consider partnering with an AI consultant or a company that specializes in B2B e-commerce solutions with AI capabilities.
  • Measure and iterate: Track the impact of your AI initiatives and make adjustments as needed.

AI isn’t here to replace you – it’s here to help you make better decisions, streamline processes, and ultimately, drive growth. By embracing AI, you’re not just keeping up with the times; you’re taking your B2B business to the next level.

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