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Evaluating analytics and reporting tools for B2B e-commerce: A practical guide

Sana Editorial Team
May 28, 2024
Colleagues work in an office together

If you’re running a B2B e-commerce business, you know that data isn’t just a buzzword — it’s the fuel for smart decisions and real growth. But with countless analytics and reporting tools on the market, finding the right fit can feel overwhelming.

So let’s cut through the clutter and get practical. This guide will walk you through a structured process for evaluating B2B e-commerce analytics and reporting solutions, ensuring you choose the tools that empower your business to thrive.

Why bother with analytics and reporting? (A quick refresher)

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of tool evaluation, let’s revisit the basics. Analytics and reporting tools aren’t just about fancy dashboards and graphs. They give you the insights you need to:

  • Understand your customers: What are they buying? When are they buying? What makes them tick?
  • Optimize your operations: Are your marketing campaigns hitting the mark? Which products are flying off the shelves?
  • Make informed decisions: Where should you invest your time and resources to maximize growth?

In short, these tools help you shift from gut feelings to data-backed decisions, driving real business impact.

Top 5 B2B e-commerce analytics tools in 2024

1. Sana Commerce Insights

Sana Commerce Insights (SCI) provides commercial insights with extensive options and services. It is the only B2B solution on the market that combines offline and online insights together, providing you with a holistic view of behavior that can help you strategize better for conversion.

2. Optimizely

Optimizely allows you to test different variations of your pages, from product displays to checkout flows, and see which ones drive the most conversions. It’s like having a scientific lab for your e-commerce site, helping you make data-driven decisions to optimize the customer journey.

3. Crazy Egg

Get a visual snapshot of how customers interact with your website using Crazy Egg’s heatmaps and scroll maps. See where they click, where they get stuck, and what captures their attention. Pinpoint areas for improvement and create a more intuitive experience for your buyers.

4. Google Analytics

A classic for a reason, Google Analytics offers a wealth of data about your website traffic and customer behavior. While it might require a bit more technical know-how, it’s a powerful tool for tracking your most important metrics and understanding the customer journey.

5. Supermetrics

If you’re juggling multiple data sources, Supermetrics can be a lifesaver. It pulls data from various platforms (think Google Analytics, Facebook Ads, and more) into a single dashboard, making it easier to analyze and compare your marketing efforts.

Key criteria for evaluating B2B e-commerce analytics & reporting tools

Ready to start your tool hunt? Here are the key criteria to consider:

  • Features: Does the tool offer the features you actually need? Think customization, real-time data, integrations with your other systems, and clear data visualizations. And if you’re looking to get ahead of the curve, consider predictive analytics capabilities.
  • Ease of use: Let’s face it, nobody wants to wrestle with complicated software. Look for intuitive interfaces, easy-to-understand reports, and minimal training time for your team.
  • Scalability: Your business is growing, so your tools should too. Choose a solution that can adapt to your changing needs without requiring a major overhaul.
  • Cost: Be realistic about your budget. Get a clear understanding of pricing models, including any potential hidden costs or fees.
  • Support: When you have questions or run into issues, you want a vendor that has your back. Look for responsive customer support and helpful resources.
  • Security: Data security is paramount, especially in the B2B world. Make sure the tool complies with industry regulations and has robust security measures in place.

Other factors to keep in mind

Beyond the above, it’s also a good idea to keep the following in mind:

  • Cloud-based vs. on-premise: Cloud-based platforms offer scalability, lower upfront costs, and easier maintenance. On-premise solutions provide more control and customization but require a higher initial investment and ongoing IT resources.
  • Open source vs. out-of-the-box: Open source platforms offer flexibility and customization but demand technical expertise. Out-of-the-box solutions provide immediate usability, built-in features, and quicker deployment.
  • Purchase cycle support: Ensure the platform streamlines the entire buying process, from product discovery to after-sales service. Features like reordering, returns management, and customer support are crucial.
  • Integration with existing systems: Seamless integration with your ERP, CRM, and inventory management software is vital. Prioritize platforms with robust APIs and pre-built integrations.

Your roadmap for evaluating tools: A step-by-step guide

  • Needs assessment: Before diving into the sea of tools, define your business goals, key performance indicators (KPIs), and specific reporting needs. What do you want to track? What insights are you looking for?
  • Shortlisting: Research and compare different tools based on the criteria we just discussed. Consider your budget, your tech stack, and the size of your team.
  • Demos and trials: Don’t just take the vendor’s word for it. Test out the tools with free trials or demos to see how they perform in a real-world setting.

Talk to the vendor: Get your questions answered about implementation, training, and ongoing support.

How Sana Commerce Cloud can help harness your analytics

While it’s wise to review and assess potential analytics tools, Sana Commerce Cloud provides a platform that provides 360-degree support. That means you don’t have to spend more time (and budget) on a separate platform for your e-commerce tool and your analytics/reporting tooling.

If you’re already using an ERP system like Microsoft Dynamics or SAP, Sana Commerce could be a good fit for your requirements. Engineered for B2B, our platform leverages your existing tech stack with no-code integrations that enable growth, revenue, and efficiency for your business.

With our advanced analytics, you get a powerful analytics and reporting tool that combines offline and online insights to help you really understand your customers. Track your key metrics, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions that move your business forward.

Making the right choice

Choosing the right analytics and reporting tools is a critical step in your B2B e-commerce journey.

Take the time to evaluate your options carefully, and don’t hesitate to reach out to vendors with your questions.

Ready to see how Sana Commerce can help your business? Let’s talk.