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E-commerce analytics: What role do analytics play in B2B e-commerce?

Teresa Cherukara
May 27, 2024
Colleagues work together on their computers

For B2B organizations looking to grow, data-driven decisions are crucial for success.

Enter e-commerce analytics.

Whether you want to assess how your web store is performing currently, predict how it might perform in the next two quarters, or test revenue-boosting strategies, a thorough understanding of analytics is essential.

Table of contents

    What is e-commerce analytics?

    The term e-commerce analytics has become a catch-all for many things: is it a methodology, tool, or dataset? The answer is a little bit of everything.

    E-commerce analytics is the process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data generated by your online store in order to gain valuable insights into customer behavior, website performance, and marketing effectiveness. The ultimate goal being to boost the effectiveness of your web store, and therefore positively impact sales.

    Types of e-commerce analytics

    Purely because of how broad the term can be, it is helpful to map out the various ‘types’ of e-commerce analytics you might come across as a web store manager. Here’s an overview:

    • Audience analytics — who are your website champions?

    Establishing who’s visiting your web store is the foundation of e-commerce analytics.

    This can range from demographics to location, and include devices being used.

    Benefit: Familiarity with your audience will enable you to tailor marketing messages and build a web store that resonates with your customer.

    • Acquisition analytics — how are they finding you?

    If audience analytics answers the ‘who’ of your web store traffic, acquisition analytics answers the ‘where’.

    Are they coming from organic search, social media campaigns, or maybe even good old-fashioned email marketing?

    Benefit: This intel helps you identify the most effective ways to reach new customers.

    • Behavior analytics — mapping out your customer journey

    Behavior analytics answers the ‘what’ question, digging deeper into what visitors actually do once they land on your site.

    What pages are they clicking on? Are they adding products to their carts and then abandoning them?

    Benefit: Analyzing their behavior helps you identify areas for improvement, as well as potential obstacles preventing your customers from checking out.

    • Conversion analytics — tracking sales and performance

    This is where the rubber meets the road. Conversion analytics track how much revenue your web store is generating.

    Here, you can measure things like conversion rates, average order value, and customer lifetime value.

    Benefit: It’s all about understanding what’s working (and what’s not) when it comes to turning website traffic into sales.

    • Paid marketing activities — securing ROI on your marketing spend

    If you’re running any pay-per-click (PPC) ads or social media campaigns, you’ll want to track their performance closely.

    This type of analytics helps you see how much you’re spending on advertising, how many clicks you’re getting, and ultimately, how much revenue those clicks are generating.

    Remember, you don’t have to be a data whiz to benefit from e-commerce analytics.

    Benefit: By focusing on these key areas, you can gain valuable insights that will help you optimize your website, improve your marketing efforts, and ultimately grow your business.

    We’re here to help.

    If you’re feeling swamped by data or need a hand deciphering what it all means, don’t hesitate to reach out.

    Why do analytics matter for your e-commerce store?

    Imagine running your store blindfolded. You wouldn’t know what products are popular, how customers find you, or even if your website is easy to navigate. That’s the danger of operating an online store without analytics.

    E-commerce analytics provide the crucial data you need to make informed decisions and avoid costly mistakes.

    5 benefits of analytics for e-commerce

    Sure, you know your store inside and out, but what about your customers? E-commerce analytics are like having a direct line to your customer’s thoughts and actions, revealing a wealth of information you can use to make smarter business decisions. Here’s a deeper dive into the key benefits of recording and tracking your e-commerce analytics:

    1. Data-driven decision making: from hunches to hard facts

    Analytics give you the cold, hard facts about what’s working (and what’s not) on your website. This allows you to:

    • Optimize product pages: Identify which products are generating the most interest and see where visitors are dropping off. Use this data to refine product descriptions, improve visuals, and address any pain points that might be preventing purchases.
    • Craft targeted marketing campaigns: Analytics reveal your ideal customer demographics, interests, and browsing behavior. Use this knowledge to tailor your marketing messages for maximum impact and avoid wasting resources on irrelevant audiences.
    • Experiment with confidence: Want to test a new website layout or marketing strategy? Use analytics to track the results and see if it’s actually moving the needle.

    2. Craft a customer experience that converts

    Imagine walking into a store where you can’t find what you’re looking for, and the checkout line is a mile long. Wouldn’t you leave frustrated? Analytics help you avoid creating that same experience online.

    By tracking user behavior, you can see:

    • Navigation pain points: Are visitors struggling to find specific products or information? Analytics pinpoint areas of confusion so you can streamline your website structure and make it more user-friendly.
    • Abandoned cart rates: Understanding why customers ditch their carts halfway through checkout allows you to identify and eliminate any roadblocks in the purchase process. This could be anything from a complex checkout flow to unexpected shipping costs.
    • Product page engagement: See which product pages keep visitors engaged and which ones have them bouncing like a superball. This helps you understand what information resonates with customers and optimize your product pages for better conversion rates.

    By creating a smooth and intuitive customer journey, you’ll keep visitors happy and coming back for more.

    3. Increase sales and conversions: Turn window shoppers into paying customers

    At the end of the day, your goal is to turn website traffic into sales. E-commerce analytics are your secret weapon for boosting conversions:

    • Identify high-performing marketing channels: Analytics reveal which marketing efforts are driving the most traffic and sales. Invest more resources in these channels to maximize your return on investment (ROI).
    • Personalize product recommendations: Use visitor data to suggest complementary products or highlight items based on past purchases. This creates a more relevant shopping experience and increases the chance of additional sales.
    • A/B test different calls to action (CTAs): Analytics help you determine which CTAs are most effective at converting visitors into leads or customers. Test different wording, placement, and design to see what resonates best with your audience.

    By understanding your customers’ buying journey and optimizing your website for conversions, you’ll see a significant increase in sales and revenue.

    4. Reduce costs: Stop wasting money on what doesn’t work

    Running a successful online store is all about efficiency. Analytics help you identify areas where you might be wasting precious resources:

    Ineffective marketing campaigns: Track the performance of your marketing efforts and see which ones are generating the most sales and leads. Cut bait on campaigns that aren’t delivering and reinvest your budget in more effective channels.
    Unnecessary website features: Are you paying for fancy features that nobody uses? Analytics reveal which website functionalities are most popular with visitors. This allows you to prioritize resources and focus on features that drive results.
    Hidden website issues: Analytics can highlight technical problems on your website, such as slow loading times or broken links. Fixing these issues creates a smoother user experience and can lead to higher conversion rates.

    By identifying areas for improvement and eliminating wasteful spending, you can optimize your budget and maximize your bottom line.

    Metrics vs KPIs: Understanding the difference

    Ever feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of data your e-commerce store generates? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! But here’s the good news: that data is a goldmine of insights waiting to be unlocked. The key lies in understanding the difference between metrics and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators).

    Metrics are essentially the raw data points you track about your online store. Think of them as ingredients in a recipe – website traffic, conversion rates, average order value – they all provide valuable information.

    KPIs, on the other hand, are a select group of metrics that are most important for your specific business goals. They’re like the key spices that make your dish unique. For instance, a KPI could be “increase mobile traffic by 20% in Q3” to drive more sales through your mobile store.

    By tracking the right KPIs and using the insights from your analytics reports, you can take action to improve your website and achieve your business goals.

    So, how do you choose the right KPIs to track?

    The best KPIs are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). They should be directly tied to your overall business objectives, such as increasing sales, improving customer acquisition, or boosting brand awareness.

    We’ll delve deeper into specific B2B e-commerce KPIs and how to track them in future posts . In the meantime, remember: data is powerful, but it’s the insights you glean from it that truly make a difference.

    Analytics vs. reporting: What does your business need?

    Data is the lifeblood of any successful business, but simply having data isn’t enough. You need to be able to extract meaning from it and turn it into actionable insights. That’s where analytics and reporting come in. But what’s the difference, and which one does your business need most?

    Understanding the why vs. understanding the what

    Think of analytics and reporting as two sides of the same coin:

    Analytics is all about unveiling the why. It delves deep into your data to uncover hidden patterns, trends, and root causes. This might involve complex techniques like statistical modeling or data mining. The ultimate goal of analytics is to provide actionable insights that can help you optimize processes, improve decision-making, and even predict future trends.

    Reporting, on the other hand, focuses on understanding the what. It takes your raw data and summarizes it in a clear, concise format, often using charts, graphs, and tables. This makes it easy for you to see key metrics at a glance and track your performance over time. Reporting helps you identify areas for potential improvement and ensures everyone in your organization is on the same page.

    Choosing the right tool for the job

    So, which one does your business need? The answer depends on your specific goals and stage of growth:

    • For businesses seeking a deeper understanding of customer behavior, the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, and new growth opportunities, investing in analytics capabilities is crucial. Analytics empowers you to explore the “why” behind your data, allowing you to make data-driven decisions and optimize your strategies for long-term success.
    • However, reporting is essential for every business, regardless of size or industry. It provides a quick and clear overview of your performance, helping you monitor progress towards goals, identify areas that need attention, and ensure everyone is working with the same set of information. Think of reporting as the foundation – you need a solid understanding of “what” is happening before you can delve into the “why.

    Here are some additional tips for making the best choice:

    • Start simple: Don’t get overwhelmed by the vast world of data analysis. Begin with basic reporting to establish a data-driven culture in your organization. As your comfort level grows, you can gradually incorporate more advanced analytics techniques.
    • Think long-term: If you have a long-term vision of building a data-driven culture within your business, investing in robust analytics capabilities is a wise decision. However, reporting will always be a crucial tool for ongoing monitoring and communication.
    • Align with goals: Ultimately, the best choice depends on your specific business goals. Ask yourself: what questions do you need answered? Are you trying to understand customer behavior (analytics) or simply track key performance indicators (reporting)?

    By understanding the strengths of both analytics and reporting, you can choose the right tools to unlock the power of your data and propel your business forward.

    From data to dollars: Master e-commerce analytics for growth

    This comprehensive guide has equipped you with the knowledge to transform your data into a powerful weapon for growth.

    Remember, data is king, but insights are the crown. By leveraging analytics and reporting effectively, you can:

    • Uncover hidden customer behavior patterns.
    • Optimize your website and marketing for peak performance.
    • Make data-driven decisions that fuel sales.
    • Craft a superior customer journey that keeps them coming back for more.

    Turn data into strategy

    Watch our 30-minute webinar on demand on harnessing the most out of your data.