E‑commerce conversions

Definition of e-commerce conversions

E-commerce conversions are defined as the number of users on an e-commerce site that complete a desired action.

What is an e-commerce conversion rate?

To calculate your web store’s e-commerce conversion rate, you must divide the number of web store conversions (in a given time frame) by the total number of website visitors.

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How does a web store generate e-commerce conversions?

According to Neil Patel, there are roughly 1.3 million e-commerce sites. A lot of these sites are similar and compete for conversions. For a web store to generate conversions it needs to stand out from competitors and be optimized to facilitate conversions.
Here is what you can do to generate more e-commerce conversions:

  • Optimize your web stores’ speed. Experts say that if your website takes more than 2 seconds to load, then 53% of your website visitors will lose interest.
  • Show website visitors what other customers think of your products. This is called social proof, 92% of online shoppers read online reviews before purchasing a product. Learn more about social proof and the psychology of e-commerce sales.
  • Improve your website’s keyword focus. Optimizing your content for SEO allows your website to rank higher on search engine result pages. Find out more about driving conversions through SEO and other marketing strategies.
  • Enrich your website copy. Of course, improving your website’s copy and SEO optimization go hand-in-hand. Any Hoy increased her conversions by 2.4x with improved copywriting.
  • Make web store checkout easy. We’ve all experienced buying products online where the checkout process is time-consuming and, after a few seconds, we change our minds and do not go through with the purchase. In fact, over one third of the people who abandoned carts in 2016 did it because they didn’t want to create an account or struggled with other types of issues when checking out.
    To optimize your e-commerce conversion rate, your web store’s checkout process should be as simple as possible, so customers do not change their minds last minute.
  • Good website navigation is everything. Providing your website visitors with a seamless experience and making it easy for them to find what they need will optimize your e-commerce conversion rate. Check out some great examples of e-commerce sites for inspiration on how to do this.

Learn more about the other 6 critical B2B e-commerce KPIs for online sales.

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