Product hub

Simplifying complex business needs

Discover how our latest features streamline your B2B operations and enhance your business efficiency.

New releases

AI-driven product recommendations for search

Make product discovery effortless with our Search & Discovery feature. Using AI-driven product recommendations that adapt to buyers’ behaviors, this tool speeds up the buying process and enhances user satisfaction.

Promote content pages like blog articles and FAQs directly through the search bar, improving discoverability. Buyers can also use faceted filter keywords in the search bar to quickly find specific products, streamlining their search experience.

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Promotional discounts with customer-specific pricing

Our B2B Promotions ensure that discount codes complement customer-specific, bundle, or volume pricing from your ERP, maintaining your sales agreements. Advanced features make discounts more visible in the storefront and automatically apply them to customer orders.

Administrators also have flexible discount creation options, simplifying the process of boosting revenue and impressing customers with seasonal campaigns that respect existing agreements.

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3D Product configurator with your complex products in mind

In collaboration with Expivi, we worked on a product configurator that brings complex B2B product ordering online. Offering immersive product configuration capabilities through 3D visuals and augmented reality (AR), in combination with automated customer-specific price calculations. This level of self-service contributes to an enhanced buyer experience and optimized sales operations.

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Sana Spotlight: Redefining B2B User Experience

See these features in action

3 cutting edge new releases for Sana Commerce Cloud. Limitless potential, limitless possibilities.