List of common misunderstandings
Get to know the common opponents (to internal resistance) and a list of the most common misunderstandings when it comes to e-commerce.
Does this sound familiar? You want to ensure that your company welcomes a B2B portal and embraces it as part of its regular day-to-day business. but your internal stakeholders aren’t convinced of the benefits of e-commerce? This PPT template will help you win over your boss and colleagues.
This template is perfect for anyone (regardless of your department) who is currently involved or looking to start an e-commerce project. Because e-commerce has such a profound impact on the entire organization it’s important to get your stakeholders on board early on. Topics include:
Get to know the common opponents (to internal resistance) and a list of the most common misunderstandings when it comes to e-commerce.
Discover proven strategies to convince all your internal stakeholders, regardless of their position or department.
Access other useful templates like for example ROI template, User Stories template and examples, and RFP template and vendor-rating system.
Learn about the key benefits of integrated e-commerce and use these facts to assure your internal stakeholders that having an e-commerce platform will aid your company’s performance.
Learn about the common misunderstandings that cause internal resistance and the proven strategies to help overcome it.