Exclusive report
How to be B2B e‑commerce ready in 2023
Get insights on the top 2023 trends in B2B e-commerce — plus, learn how to prepare and improve your own e-commerce strategy for next year.
You will receive the report shortly via email.
Here are the top B2B e‑commerce trends you need to know
2/3 of businesses are spending more money online now than ever before — that means more pressure on companies to provide exceptional customer experiences and adapt to the times.
Here are the top 4 trends you need to know:
- B2B companies need to move online if they haven’t already
- The growing impact of (cloud) sustainability in e-commerce
- The power of unified commerce for better buying journeys
- The requirement to choose the right online payment options, services and providers

How to improve your B2B e‑commerce strategy in 2023
Get the report for insights on how to use these trends to fix the most common issues your clients face online:
- Prioritize the move to online and delivering a solid customer experience
- Choose a future-proof and scalable solution (Hint: it’s cloud-based)
- Connect your backend and frontend systems to give a consistent cross-channel experience
- Offer buyers more options when it comes to online payments

Plan your 2023 strategy now
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