React JavaScript

Definition of React JavaScript

React JS is an open-source JavaScript library used for building user interfaces.

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is a computer coding language that is used to create and control dynamic web content. Dynamic web content consists of animated graphics and interactive forms. So, when you visit websites where things move, it is likely that JS is the coding that is creating that effect.

How is React JS different?

React JS is the most-used front-end framework for web applications. It is an open-source JavaScript library used to build user interfaces. It uses reusable UI components, providing the foundation for single-page applications.

React JS, or simply known as React, was created by a software engineer called Jordan Walke, who worked at Facebook. This software was first deployed on Facebook’s newsfeed in 2011, and later Instagram in 2012.

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What are the benefits of React JS?

There are many benefits to React JS. These include:

  • It is easy to learn and easy to use: Any developer who has experience using JavaScript can understand and use react JS. There is plenty of documentation, training resources, and tutorials.
  • Community ecosystem: React JS is an open-source library that thousands of people around the world use and build upon. The developers using react JS keep updating and adding more features and fixing all bugs that appear in the system. Because react JS was created by Facebook, it has multiple Facebook developers who continually tweak the code.
  • It saves time and is efficient: Because all developers who use react JS have to use the same code, there is no risk of multiple developers creating different codes each time they work on tasks with react JS.
  • Stable code: React JS lets one-direction information flow, which in turn stabilizes the code. Using a one-direction data flow in the react JS code ensures that, when something in the code is changed or updated, the parent code is not compromised.

What are the challenges of react JS?

While react JS comes with many benefits there are also some challenges to this system. These include:

  • Search engine optimization (SEO) work required: People are concerned that search engines don’t index dynamic web pages, but Google clarified that its crawlers can index dynamic content.
  • Rapid development: As with any other technology, development is rapid, meaning that react JS developers need to continue building on this technology. Some developers might be intimidated by this ever-evolving IT landscape.

What does the future of react JS e-commerce look like?

By integrating ERP with e-commerce and by leveraging a more flexible framework (react JS), Sana Commerce Cloud eliminates system silos and unlocks sizable opportunities.

Learn about Sana Commerce Cloud the first Single Page Application (SPA) built for a B2B use case, guaranteeing better performance and faster page load speeds.

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