Boost your B2B revenue:

Calculate your e-commerce ROI & get a free business strategy book

Calculate how much B2B e-commerce ROI you stand to gain by choosing a dedicated B2B e-commerce platform.

It’s simple: fill in the fields and click the button to generate a free downloadable business case report personalized to your company. Plus the first 50 people to use the calculator will get a free hard copy of Brian Beck’s book: Billion Dollar B2B ECommerce.

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What you need, what you’ll get

Fill in the metrics for your company, and our ROI calculator will show you how much you stand to earn by switching to Sana Commerce Cloud.

  • Calculate ROI tailored to the specifics of your company
  • Discover total annual net benefit and monthly costs to delay
  • See a breakdown of your savings in labor and operating costs
  • Receive a free, personalized ROI business case report
b2b e-commerce roi calculator

What you need to know

Sana Commerce Cloud

Sana Commerce Cloud is the commerce platform engineered for B2B. With SCC, you can easily bring complex processes online, unburden your team, and drive value faster.

Boost Conversion
Total Annual Net Benefit

See how much B2B e-commerce ROI you stand to gain each year by choosing a dedicated B2B commerce solution, based on your industry and company size. Total Annual Net Benefit is driven by enhanced customer experience, managed workflows, and task automation.

Long-term cost efficiency
Monthly costs to delay

The right B2B commerce solution can reduce your labor and operating costs over time. Each month you delay, you leave money on the table. How much annual ROI are you missing, month by month?

Invoice Discounts
Value Summary Business Case

Save and share your free ROI-supported business case with key stakeholders. Highlight exactly how much ROI you stand to gain, where you’ll see the most benefit, and how much you’ll save year over year.

Get an e-commerce consult

Meet with an e-commerce specialist to get a personalized overview on how to transform your digital strategy.

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Discover more features

Find out what's included in Sana Commerce Cloud at each level – Essential, Pro, and Advanced.

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Sana Commerce Cloud

How we drive ROI

We help you thrive in B2B complexity. From automation to workflow management, Sana Commerce Cloud offers the critical B2B features and capabilities you need, straight out of the box.

Product catalog management

Manage complex product catalogs by automatically syncing your web store with your inventory (alt ERP). Give your buyers exclusive online access to their tailored products, pricing, and discounts.


Create custom buyer journeys to anticipate buyer needs. Leverage complex customer data to automate recurring orders, enact dynamic promotions, and provide customer-specific pricing.

Analytics and reporting

Get a full 360° view of the buyer’s journey, analyze key web store metrics, and discover actionable insights to boost sales.

Customer experience

Give your buyers the freedom to order anytime, anywhere. Buyers can access order history and personalize complex products with customer account self-service tools.

Order & inventory management

Accommodate your buyer’s entire purchasing journey. Offer fixed and real-time shipping methods, handle every shape and size of B2B shipment, and enhance purchase confidence with ERP-synced inventory.

Realize your B2B commerce ROI

Boost your business with the e-commerce platform that’s engineered for B2B.