137 search results

  • Navigating the digital commerce landscape: A guide for B2B product sellers

    Today, it’s become common to hear the phrase digital commerce in conversations about digital transformation and e-commerce. But how is digital commerce different from e-commerce, exactly? In our complete guide to digital commerce, you’ll learn just that. Plus: how digital commerce is relevant to B2B product sellers today, along with…

  • Exploring BigCommerce alternatives for B2B e-commerce

    Choosing the right platform for your online B2B business is essential in this day and age. This is mainly because B2B business requirements vastly differ from one organization to another. One organization may value a platform that seamlessly integrates with your ERP while another values a platform that is user-friendly…

  • Prepare your B2B web store for 2023 holiday shopping

    It’s that time of year when people start packing into stores like sardines in a tin. Needless to say, this is a result of upcoming holidays like Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Halloween, and Christmas. Shopping season has officially begun. Black Friday and Cyber Monday used to be popular in the…

  • How mobile barcode scanning can elevate your B2B web store

    We all know the high-pitched beep noise when using a barcode scanner at the checkout in a B2C store. It’s time to get to know the newest technology in B2B that makes checkout easy: mobile barcode scanning. 10 years ago, B2B customers couldn’t imagine using their smart devices to scan…

  • How to improve sales performance and drive success 

    Learning how to improve sales performance is the key to driving organizational focus and success. Great sales seasons are inevitable but turning them into sustainable strategies that can steady your business requires more effort. In one poll by Gartner, sales and business leaders agree that ‘meeting quotas’ and ‘customer retention’…

  • Decoding GMV pricing: benefits for software users

    What is gross merchandise value (GMV) pricing and why do you need to be aware of it when investing in software today? This blog covers what GMV means, how you can calculate your organization’s GMV, and why GMV-based pricing has become such a popular choice for leading software companies today.…

  • B2B Buyer Report 2024

    Table of contents Inside This Report No matter how long you’ve been in the B2B business, you know that the only constant in this space is change. Goals can change. Strategies can change. And yes, even customers change. Your B2B buyers are changing at surprising speeds. Since 2017, Sana Commerce…

  • The 6 pillars of B2B customer experience (CX)

    An improved customer experience (CX) is closely linked with increased revenue as well as other advantages. Yet B2B customer experience still lags behind B2C. Are you looking for ways to improve your B2B customer experience and tap into the many business benefits that come with it? Discover where to focus…

  • The 10-step B2B website maintenance checklist

    As the digital landscape for B2B businesses continues to evolve, maintaining a well-optimized B2B web store is crucial for success. A website maintenance checklist helps your business build a thriving e-commerce strategy, ensuring good functionality, better user experience, and increased customer engagement. Using a checklist like this is just one…

  • Composable commerce: How it works, benefits, and real-life case study

    In today’s rapidly evolving business environment, B2B businesses and enterprises are seeking innovative solutions to stay competitive and meet customer demands. Composable commerce is one of those solutions that has caught the attention of B2B companies. In this blog, we will explore what composable commerce is, how it relates to…